Unpolished & Imperfect

Welcome to my site. I am so happy you stopped by. I created this page after wrestling with the idea for several months. I just want to be obedient to what God places on my heart. It is not easy putting your words out there for all to read. Being vulnerable can cause fear and worry to rise up in my chest, but if I can encourage one person to want to know more about God and to keep moving forward in your Christian walk, then I want to do what I can with his help. When God gives you words to speak or write, do not underestimate their power. I pray that when your having a bad day, week, or even month, that you will remember that you have a God who sees you, hears you, and most of all he loves you more than your mind can comprehend. You are loved. You are chosen. You have a purpose, and you are not alone.

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